API package

A package that exports common API utilities used across various other packages and services. These utilities are the interfaces by which services communicate amongst each other.

The API package intentionally has no entrypoint or lib defined in its package.json file. It instead has a set of top-level js and corresponding d.ts files to allow importing such as:

import { Logging } from '@carbon-platform/api/logging'
import { Runtime, getEnvVar } from '@carbon-platform/api/runtime'
import { getPassportInstance, store } from '@carbon-platform/api/auth'


Provides common authentication assets and centralized user session management for necessary services to consume.

See Authentication.


Provides APIs used to interact with the data graph service.

See Data-Graph service.


APIs used by services to interact with the logging service allowing error, warning, info, and debug messages to be logged.

See Logging service.


APIs used by services to notify each other of requests for data or events that happen across the platform.

See Messaging.


APIs and utilities used to build and manage Platform Microservices.

See Platform microservices.


A set of modules relating to runtime configuration of services on the platform.


A class with utility functions for checking debug mode, run mode, environment config, etc. It contains:

  1. A property called environment, which returns one of the three enum values, depending on the value of the CARBON_ENVIRONMENT environment variable.
  2. A method called withEnvironment(), which takes a string as input and returns a version of that string with the environment incorporated in a deterministic way.
  3. A property called runMode, which returns one of two enum values, depending on the value of the CARBON_RUN_MODE environment variable.


A utility function that manages retrieving and validating environment variables across different run modes.


An enum called Environment containing the values Build, Test, and Production which indicates the environment in which the service/process is running. This is mostly used by deployments as a switch for service endpoint URLs or other configuration-type data. It contains the following:

It is based on the CARBON_ENVIRONMENT environment variable and can be set to the following values:

    • Causes the runtime to return Environment.Build
  • TEST
    • Causes the runtime to return Environment.Test
    • Causes the runtime to return Environment.Production

If the CARBON_ENVIRONMENT environment variable is not set, the mode will default to Test.

Setting this env var to any other value will result in an error being thrown.


An enum that represents a runtime switch between standard code and development hooks to make local development easier. It is based off of the CARBON_RUN_MODE environment variable and can be set to the following values:

  • DEV
    • Causes the runtime to return RunMode.Dev
    • Causes the runtime to return RunMode.Standard

If the CARBON_RUN_MODE environment variable is not set, the mode will default to the “Dev” run mode.

Setting this env var to any other value will result in an error being thrown.