
The auth package provides common authentication assets and centralized user session management for necessary services to consume.

Environment Variables

Set the following variables in your environment file inside the project where the auth package is being used.

IBMid Authentication Variables

Set these variables to override local authentication and use IBMid authentication instead (these are optional in “Dev” run mode but required in “Standard” run mode).

  • CARBON_IBM_ISV_CLIENT_ID=[client id]
    • Client ID tied to App registration on SSO provisioner (get this from dev team)
    • Client secret tied to App registration on SSO provisioner (get this from dev team)
    • Strategy name that passport should use when authenticating (get this from dev team)

Database Config Variables


The following env variables are necessary for correct functionality of the package in production mode:

    • URL to remote mongo db instance including basic authentication
    • Name of database in remote mongo db instance

Additional Configurations

Run Mode Config

This package uses run-mode to determine what database to connect to (local or production) depending on the current run mode.

Make sure required environment variables are configured in the service you’re using this package. (See run-mode package for details on how to set up the run-mode package)


Getting and Updating User Sessions

The auth package exports an object store that contains two functions that allow interaction with the users’ session data:


Receives the user’s session cookie value as a parameter and returns a promise that resolves to the user’s session stored value:

import { store } from '@carbon-platform/api/auth'
// ...
const sessionCookie = req.cookies?.['connect.sid']
if (sessionCookie) {
  const user = await store.getUserBySessionCookie(sessionCookie)

expect the user response to look like this:

  "name": "Jane Doe",
  "email": ""
  // ...Other User Properties


Receives the user’s session cookie value and a partial object of desired update values and returns a promise that resolves to true or false indicating whether the session value was succesfully updated

import { store } from '@carbon-platform/api/auth'

const sessionCookie = req.cookies?.['connect.sid']
if (sessionCookie) {
  const success = await store.updateUserBySessionCookie(sessionCookie, { testUserProp: 'test' })

The value of the (boolean) success variable will indicate whether the update request was succesful, expect the new user session value to look like this:

  "name":"Jane Doe",
  "email": ""
  // ...Other User Properties

Setting up User Sessions

If the service needs to handle user sessions, use the exported variable SESSION_SECRET as the session secret and the getStore function available through the exported store object as the store. Example with express-session:

import { Runtime, RunMode } from '@carbon-platform/api/runtime'
import { SESSION_SECRET, store } from '@carbon-platform/api/auth'
import expressSession from 'express-session'
// ...
const storeInstance = await store.getStore()
// ...
  store: storeInstance,
  cookie: {
    path: '/',
    secure: new Runtime().runMode === RunMode.Standard,
    maxAge: 60 * 60 * 2 * 1000 // 2 hours

Note: keep in mind you will have to await for the store instance to be resolved before being able to use it

Passport Authentication

If the service needs to authenticate users against IBMId, the exported class Auth provides utility functions, such as getPassport, which returns a promise that resolves to a pre-configured passport instance. This instance can be used just like the passport package and doesn’t need to be further setup:

import { Auth } from '@carbon-platform/api/auth'
const auth = new Auth()
const passport = await auth.getPassport()

Note: keep in mind you will have to await for the passport instance to be resolved before being able to use it

To invoke the passport authentication you can make use of the authenticate method on the Auth instance:

import { Auth, AuthStrategy } from '@carbon-platform/api/auth'

const auth = new Auth()
const login = await auth.authenticate(AuthStrategy.ibmIdProd)

export default login